Feb 8, 2006

Bureaucracy at its Finest

I lost my driver's license about a week ago. I kept hoping that I would find it stuck between the seats in my car, but I never found it and resigned myself to the position that my license would most likely be found with all the socks that disappear from the dryer each time I do laundry. In any case, I needed to get my license replaced, as I have this uncanny habit of getting pulled over when I don't have a license on me. As I wanted to avoid this, a trip to the DMV was necessary.

Upon my arrival, I learned that I would need to fill out an application for a new driver's license, which I did. Then the clerk asked for some identification. I whipped out my social security card, my Costco card, my Student ID card (which has my social security number on it), and a credit card that has my picture on it. I was then informed that all these forms of ID's were "secondary forms of identification" and I needed to produce either a birth certificate, passport, or DRIVER'S LICENSE to get a replacement driver's license. The following is an actual transcript of the exchange between me and Donna DMV:

Donna DMV: The Social Security Card will serve as one form of primary identification. However, we need another.

The BLS: You mean that my student ID won't count, even though it has my social security number on it?

Donna DMV: Unfortunately, no. You need to produce either a passport, birth certificate, or driver's license.

The BLS: Wait... you're telling me that I need to produce a driver's license in order to get a replacement driver's license? You know, to REPLACE the one that I lost?

Donna DMV: Yes.

The BLS: Ohh... kay....

Luckily, she decided to plug my social security number into the computer, and thankfully, my current driver's license popped up (with a photo), eliminating the need for another form of identification. But seriously... how messed up is that?

You've got to love it when hijinks ensue at the DMV.


At February 08, 2006 11:39 AM, Blogger Wade said...

Have you considered that someone may have a driver's license from another state that they may be able to provide as identification?

I realize that does not apply to you, but maybe to someone else.

At February 08, 2006 12:06 PM, Blogger HMC said...

I used my NY license to get an MD license.

The MVA is a horror that never ends...

At February 08, 2006 5:40 PM, Blogger The Captain said...

I'm surprised the lady was willing to plug in your SSN. I had to go to the DMV three times before I could get my license renewed. Now part of this way my fault, my eyesight had gone to shit and I failed the eye exam, but still...three times is too many.

At February 09, 2006 5:05 AM, Blogger Sharkbait said...

That cracks me up. It makes me wonder where they find these people. Where were you supposed to pull the license from, hm?

I wonder if they train their employees to think stupid. Seriously.

At February 09, 2006 9:38 AM, Blogger I-66 said...

I'm faced with 2 trips to the DMV between today and March 15. I am not happy about it... I empathize.

At February 09, 2006 10:40 AM, Blogger HomeImprovementNinja said...

be thankful you don't live in DC. It took me 5 trips to DMV to get my licensed and car switched over from the exotic state of Virginia.

At February 09, 2006 2:43 PM, Blogger LisaBinDaCity said...

The NY DMV was such a miserable experience it still makes me shudder!


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